Thursday, 28 April 2016

Butt-Boosting Barre Moves You Can Do At Your Kitchen Counter

Woman doing sports outdoors with dumbbells

A strong set of glutes does more than just give you a perky butt. Strong glutes support better posture, prevent back and knee pain and contribute to a stronger, more stable pelvis. Unfortunately, sedentary lifestyles create weak, short glutes. And weak, short glute muscles create flat, feeble booties.  
Barre workouts, designed to give participants the toned body of a dancer, are also a great way to build glute-muscle strength. Even better, you don’t actually need a barre to do most barre exercises. All these butt-boosting moves can be done at a kitchen counter, desk or a windowsill.
Here are the moves you need to know:
  • Start about two or three feet from the counter with your feet hip-width apart and slightly bent.
  • Keeping your arms shoulder-distance apart, reach them out to the counter in front of you so that your entire upper body is parallel to the floor (lifted slightly is also fine depending on flexibility).
  • Lift your right leg up, point your toe and pulse your leg up and down, up one inch, down one inch for 30 seconds.
  • Take a short break, repeat two more times and then switch to the other leg.
How to do: Fold Over - Step 2  How to do: Fold Over - Step 3
Tips: Make sure you are pulsing your leg through the pelvis and not through the back; your back should not be moving during this exercise. Keep your upper body engaged but relaxed.

Plie Squat
  • Stand about a foot away from your counter, and place your hands on the counter for balance. Check that your feet are hip-width apart.
  • Rise onto your toes and balance on the balls of your feet. Then lower your butt about six to 10 inches down, so the angle created by your calves and thighs is a bit over 90 degrees.
  • Pulse up and down in this position for 30 seconds.  
  • Take a short break and repeat two more times.
Tips: Use the counter for balance during this exercise. Don’t try to use your upper body to help you pulse; the power should be coming from your glutes and thighs.
Seat Sculptor
  • Turn so that your right side is next to your kitchen counter.
  • Stand about a foot away from the counter.
  • Place your right hand on the counter for balance and your left hand on your hip.
  • Keeping your right leg straight and firmly planted on the floor, lean forward slightly and lift your back leg about six inches off the floor, so that from the tip of your left toe to the top of your head forms one long, straight line.
  • Pulse the left leg up and down for 30 seconds.  
  • Take a break, repeat two more times, and then switch to the other side.
Tips: Use a mirror to make sure your body is in one long line as you do this exercise. You can also keep a micro-bend in the knee of the standing leg if this is more comfortable for you.
Booty Booster
  • Start with your right side next to the counter.
  • Stand with your feet parallel and hip-width apart.
  • Hold onto the counter with your right hand for balance, and place your left hand on your hip.
  • Stand up tall, keeping your core engaged and your pelvis in a neutral position.
  • Take your left leg back and behind you at about a 45-degree angle from your hips.
  • Pulse up and down for one minute.
Tips: You should not be raising your leg directly behind you or out to the side. Instead, you should be lifting it behind you at a 45-degree angle, diagonal from your hips.
Remember to stretch after doing these moves, focusing on the muscles you’ve just worked: the glutes, thighs, calves and hamstrings. Barre teachers say that students see changes in body composition and muscle tone in as few as five sessions. That means that if you do these moves every other day, you may be looking at a stronger, rounder tush in only 10 days.
Let us know how it goes!
—Teresa Manring

Sunday, 24 April 2016

There are five types of bums in the world – which one do you have?

There are five different bum shapes in the world - which one do you have?

Which one are you? (Picture: Liberty Antonia Sandler/

Listen up, everyone. This is important.
In very important news today, we have discovered that there are five specific types of bums in the world – and every woman has a specific one.
The life-changing announcement comes from plastic surgeon Matthew Schulman, M.D, who’s examined an estimated 50,000 butts from 35 countries as part of his work. So he knows his stuff.
He told Cosmopolitan US that there are five shapes a bottom can be: V-shape, A-shape, square, round, or upside down heart. The shape your butt is depends on the placement of your pelvis and hip bones, the distribution of fat, the size of your glutes, and the way your muscles are attached to the thigh bone.
Which sounds very science-y.
So, without further ado, let’s get on to the shapes. Which one are you?

1. V-shape

There are 5 different butt shapes in the world - which are you? Illustration_Liberty Antonia Sadler_Metro
(Picture: Liberty Antonia Sandler/

You’ll know if you have a V-shape bum if the line from your hips to your pelvis runs inwards. Dr Schulman says this type is most common with women who have broad shoulders and narrow hips.

2. A-shape (also known as the trapezoid)

There are 5 different butt shapes in the world - which are you? Illustration_Liberty Antonia Sadler_Metro
(Picture: Liberty Antonia Sandler/

You’re an A-shape if your bum gets wider below the hip bones.

3. Square

There are 5 different butt shapes in the world - which are you? Illustration_Liberty Antonia Sadler_Metro
(Picture: Liberty Antonia Sandler/

This is when the line between your hip bone and outer thighs runs straight, perpendicular to the ground, with no outwards or inwards leaning.

4. Round

There are 5 different butt shapes in the world - which are you? Illustration_Liberty Antonia Sadler_Metro
(Picture: Liberty Antonia Sandler/

A butt that curves outwards then inwards in a big, peachy circle. Think Beyoncé or Kimmy K.

5. Upside down heart

There are 5 different butt shapes in the world - which are you? Illustration_Liberty Antonia Sadler_Metro
(Picture: Liberty Antonia Sandler/

The upside down heart is like the round butt, but with more weight at the lower part of the hip.
The most important lesson here? ALL BUMS ARE BEAUTIFUL. No type is superior, no size is superior, and whatever shape your bum is, it’s great.

Source and Read more:

Thursday, 21 April 2016

4 Step better Butt
a simple takeaway to keep with you - no excuses now!

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Fit & Proper: Workout for a stronger butt

There are three major muscles in our buttock region and these are among the largest and strongest muscles in the body.

Fit & Proper: Workout for a stronger butt

Having a shapely and toned butt has more to do with our posture, stability and the ability to jump, land and sprint than just being a matter of sex appeal. It increases our ability to sprint, squat, climb and swing. In athletes, it improves performance and prevents injuries of the back, knee and thigh muscles. In non-athletes, a strong rear prevents lower back and patella-related knee pain.

There are three major muscles in our buttock region and these are among the largest and strongest muscles in the body. By properly activating and strengthening these muscles, one can acquire a pleasing upright posture. But the butt also has a habit of being lazy and forgetful, which is how the term "lazy bum" or "gluteal amnesia" gained prominence.

     From this to this? or visa versa?

Pro-longed sitting and inadequate focus on strengthening one's glutes (large skeletal muscles that form the buttock and move the thigh) during workout is the major reason for gluteal amnesia. Contracting one's bum muscles while sitting on a chair in office can help in keeping one's glutes active. Incorporating some simple exercises as part of our gym workout can also increase their strength and power capacity.
Simple exercises like bridging, donkey kicks and clams help to activate our glutes.

Once the muscles start firing, there is an increased improvement in one's motor patterns after which one can incorporate slightly tougher exercises such as sideways walks, single leg bridges and lunges to the routine.

Properly activated and positioned squats, along with dead lifts, reverse and side planks, will also help increase one's inbuilt levels of acceleration and deceleration.

It is recommended to work out the rear muscles at least once a week, depending upon one's accustomed levels of training as well as general health. It is always wise to consult a doctor, physiotherapist or trainer before starting any new set of exercises to help prevent soreness and muscle injuries.

Gagan Kapoor
Head of physiotherapy services, HealthCare at Home India

Monday, 18 April 2016

A butt-lift workout that requires no equipment

Rear view.

A butt-lift workout that requires no equipment
Donkey kicks.
This quick and easy workout can be paired with cardio for a full body workout. 
Don’t forget to turn your pelvic floor muscles on during all the exercises and if it hurts your lower back, stop, or rest for 30 seconds before continuing. 
10 squats (you can do jump squats if you want it to be more intense)
10 reverse lunges 
10 donkey kicks each leg: Hop on all fours, lift one leg up at a 90-degree angle towards the sky, lift another five inches and bring back to 90-degree angle.
20 side leg lifts each side: Lying on your side, lift your top leg. Don’t let your hip roll forward. 
20 all four opposite arm and leg lifts: Hop on all fours, lift opposite arm and leg back so they are level with your torso, and then the elbow and knee of the active limbs towards each other.  
20 glute bridge marches each side: Lying on your back put your feet hip width apart and lift your torso so just your feet and shoulders are on the mat. Lift one leg up to a 90-degree angle and drop hips down to mat and then back up. 
Repeat three times.
This is a Spy Style blog by Ellie Lemons

Thursday, 14 April 2016

Brazilian Butt Lift 5-Minute Workout
Lift and tone your butt in five minutes with these exercises. 
Brazilian women are famous for their gorgeous bodies, but you don't have to go to Rio 
to get a beautiful butt. Brazilian native Leandro Carvalho brings his sculpting secrets stateside with the Brazilian Butt Lift class at Equinox Fitness Clubs in New York City. 

Try his five-minute routine today to shift your rear into high gear

Brazilian Butt Lift Plie

Minutes 0:00-1:00
  • Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, arms at sides, toes turned out.
  • Tuck tailbone under and contract glutes.
  • Lower body into a pli? squat as low as you can go without allowing knees to creep past toes.
  • Simultaneously raise arms to shoulder height in front of body, palms down. Hold for 2 seconds, 
  • then return to starting position.
  • After 20 reps, pulse at the bottom for 20 seconds.


Brazilian Butt Lift Explosive Lunge

Minutes 2:00-3:00
  • Lunge forward with left leg until knee is bent 90 degrees, 
  • directly over ankle, right knee pointing toward floor.
  • Jump up, pushing off the floor with both feet. 
  • Switch legs in midair, landing with right foot forward in a lunge. 
  • Continue, alternating sides.




FI090106FITEX006.jpgBrazilian Butt Lift Lateral Sliding Squat 

with Towel

Minutes 3:00-4:00
  • Stand with feet together, toes pointed forward, arms at sides with 
  • right foot on top of a small folded towel.
  • Shifting weight to left leg, bend left knee 45 to 90 degrees while 
  • sliding right leg and towel slowly out to the side as far as is 
  • comfortable for a count of 4. Slowly draw right leg back to start for a count of 4 while straightening 
  • left leg.Repeat for 30 seconds; switch sides.


Brazilian Butt Lift Squat with Kick-Back

Minutes 4:00-5:00
  • Stand with legs shoulder-width apart, arms at sides.
  • Sit back into a squat keeping weight on heels, then lift right leg 
  • straight behind you, keeping hips pointing forward while extending 
  • arms. Return to start and switch sides.

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Brooke Burke's Butt Workout With Tara Stiles

Is this the ultimate five-minute butt workout or what?

Kate Hudson 70 Pound Weight Loss Tips: 

  1. Alkaline Diet, 
  2. Yoga 
  3. Brazilian Butt Lift Workouts

kate hudson workout weight loss diet
Kate Hudson’s weight loss secrets are an alkaline diet, yoga and Brazilian Butt Lift workouts. (Photos: Instagram, Celebrity Health Fitness)
Kate Hudson showed off her sexy bikini body on Instagram, where she frequently posts workout selfies.
Hudson is fitter than ever and has maintained her 70-pound weight loss since giving birth to her second child in 2011.
Kate’s weight loss secrets are a low-carb alkaline diet, yoga, and Brazilian Butt Lift workouts, as Celebrity Health Fitness has reported.
Hudson, a longtime fitness fanatic, said consistency is the key to her smoking-hot bikini body.
“People think you need two hours a day to do it, and that’s bullsh*t,” said Kate. “If you work out 20 minutes a day in some way, you’re going to see changes.”
kate hudson nude bikini diet workout
The 5-foot-6 Kate, who weighed 184 pounds while pregnant, lost 70 pounds. (Photos: Instagram, Celebrity Health Fitness)
Kate, who lost 70 pounds after both her pregnancies, is a proponent of the Alkaline Diet, whose other celebrity fans are Kelly Ripa and Elle Macpherson.
“Because I want to be as healthy as possible, I eat alkaline,” said Hudson. “It’s no dairy, it’s no wheat, it’s gluten-free, no meat and no sugar. I just cut all of that out.”
The 5-foot-6 Hudson, who once weighed 184 pounds, said losing the baby weight was excruciating. Kate exercised up to six hours a day to slim down, Examiner reported.
kate hudson golden globes fitness
Kate Hudson says the alkaline diet has helped her maintain her 70-pound weight loss. (Photos: Instagram, Celebrity Health Fitness)
While she no longer works out for hours every day, Kate exercises daily because it makes her feel good.
Hudson’s bikini workout regimen these days includes running sprints, weightlifting, cardio exercise and Brazilian Butt Lift. “I love Brazilian Butt Lift, it’s like a DVD,” she said.
Kate, who loves to eat, said diet is critical for maintaining her flat abs and 70-pound weight loss, and said the Alkaline Diet is perfect for her.
“When you start to become more alkaline, it’s just basically healthier,” said Hudson. “Everything digests better, your blood is [at a proper pH balance].”
kelly ripa elle macpherson alkaline diet
Elle Macpherson, 52, and Kelly Ripa, 45, both follow the Alkaline Diet. (Photos: Instagram, Celebrity Health Fitness)
On the Alkaline Diet, people are often able to eat even more than they usually do.
The theory behind the Alkaline Diet is that eating a diet high in alkaline-producing foods will minimize acid buildup in our bodies (which fuels inflammation, aging and weight gain).
When you ingest too many acidic foods, your pH levels get disrupted, causing weight gain and disease, said Dr. Stephan Domenig, author ofThe Alkaline Cure.
kate hudson bikini body weight loss 2016
After 2 kids, Kate Hudson now has the fit bikini body she has always wanted without starving herself. (Photos: Instagram, Celebrity Health Fitness)
The alkaline diet can transform your body and mind so you can embrace total health and well-being, said Marta Tuchowska, author of How to Lose Massive Weight with the Alkaline Diet.
Kate Hudson is now fitter, healthier and happier than ever. “I really do feel very lucky,” she said. “I’ve had my kids and my relationships. I’ve set my life down. I’m at peace, and that’s a really nice feeling.”
By , April 1st, 2016