Friday, 30 May 2014

Sculpt an Astonishing Butt


Training Plan: Sculpt an Astonishing Butt - Workout A

Chisel your buns into Olympic shape with these exercises

With all the digging and diving that she does in just one beach volleyball match, it's no wonder that Olympian Kerri Walsh has a truly superior posterior. Every ball-saving dig she makes in the sand engages all the muscles in her leg, but particularly her butt.
To reveal a better backside like Kerri's, add these two workouts to your fitness regime.
Alternate between workout A and workout B for three workouts each week. (So, during week one you’ll do A-B-A, then start with workout B during week 2). Complete 10 reps of each move, moving from one to the next with little to no rest. Rest one minute, then repeat up to two more times.
MOVE 1Dumbbell Deadlift
A Set a pair of dumbbells on the floor in front of you. Bend at your hips and knees, and grab the dumbbells with an overhand grip.
B Without allowing your lower back to round, stand up with the dumbbells, thrusting your hips forward. Lower the dumbbells to the floor. That’s one rep.
MOVE 2Dumbbell Split Squat
A Hold a pair of dumbbells at arm’s length next to your sides, your palms facing each other. Stagger your stance, your left foot in front of your right.
B Slowly lower your body as far as you can. Pause, then push yourself back up to the starting position as quickly as you can. Repeat the move with your right foot in front of your left. That’s one rep.
MOVE 3Single-Leg Dumbbell Straight-Leg Deadlift
A Hold a pair of dumbbells with an overhand grip at arm’s length in front of your thighs. Stand on your left leg with your left knee slightly bent.
B Without changing the bend in your knee, bend at your hips, and lower your torso until it’s almost parallel to the floor. Pause, then raise your torso back to the starting position. Repeat on your right leg. That’s one rep.
MOVE 4Back Extension
A Position yourself in the back-extension station and hook your feet under the leg anchors. Keeping your back naturally arched, lower your upper body as far as you comfortably can.
B Squeeze your glutes and raise your torso until it’s in line with your lower body. Pause, then slowly lower your torso back to the starting position. That’s one rep.
MOVE 5Swiss-Ball Rollout
A Sit on your knees in front of a Swiss ball and place your forearms and fists on the ball. Brace your core.
B Slowly roll the ball forward, straightening your arms and extending your body as far as you can without allowing your lower back to “collapse.” Use your abs to pull the ball back to your knees. That’s one rep.

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

4 Bodyweight Exercises to Tone Your Butt

Take 7 Minutes to Reshape Your Rear
-- By Nicole Nichols, Certified Personal Trainer
Looking for some targeted-toning exercises to shape, lift and tone your butt? Look no further!
I designed this equipment-free workout to help you use your own body weight to target and tone your butt from every angle in just a few minutes per day.

The Workout
Perform each exercise in order for the length of time indicated. Limit rest between exercises as much as possible. Do the full circuit once, or repeat the exercises in order up to three more times.

Training Tips
If following this workout several days per week, try switching up the order of the exercises each day for optimal variety. Also switch up which side you start with on exercises that are done on each side of the body. As you progress and the amount of time indicated for each exercise no longer feels as challenging, increase the amount of time you perform each move by 15 seconds.

Although no exercise can target fat loss in any particular body area, muscle-strengthening moves like these can build lean muscle; when combined with a calorie-controlled diet and some fat-burning cardio (start with 20-30 minutes per day, 3 days per week), you'll see and feel the results!

Exercise Instructions
Begin on hands and knees, wrists directly under shoulders, armsstraight but not locked, knees directly under hips, and spine neutral. Engage your abs by pulling your belly button toward the spine (but without moving your back).

Keeping hips level with one another, and both knees bent at 90 degrees, lift your left thigh up until parallel to the floor (or as close to parallel as you can), ankle flexed and foot flat and parallel to the ceiling (pictured). Slowly return to starting position without resting knee down. Repeat on same leg for one full minute. Switch sides.

Tip: Try to keep your weight as balanced as possible in both arms and your hips level with one another. Don't let your back arch or round at all during the movement.

Begin lying on your back with feet flat, knees and ankles hip-distance apart, knees bent, back straight and arms lengthened at your sides. Extend right leg as straight as possible toward the ceiling, keeping thigh in line with your hip.

Squeeze the muscles in the back of the legs and butt to lift hips off the ground while keeping right leg extended toward ceiling (pictured). Slowly return to the start position, keeping right leg lengthened. Repeat on same leg for one full minute. Switch sides.

Tip: Try to keep both hips as level as possible by activating the glutes. Pull your abs in tight to protect your back. Use your foot, shoulder blades and arms for support—not your head or neck.  

Begin standing with feet hip-width apart, toes pointing forward, back straight and arms extended in front of shoulders (or on hips). Relax shoulders away from the ears. Engage the core, pulling belly button toward the spine.

Starting on right leg, take a large step back to create a wide stance between the feet, making sure both feet still point directly forward. Slowly bend both knees, working toward a 90-degree bend, lowering the body toward the floor (pictured). Straighten legs and step forward to starting position to complete one rep.  Repeat on same leg for one full minute. Switch sides.

Tip: Step back far enough that as you bend your knees, they don't bent past your front toes. Hold onto a wall or chair for balance if needed.

Begin standing with legs and toes turned out from the hips, feet in a wide stance (wider than hips), back straight and hands on hips.

Keeping back straight, bend both knees (making sure they're pointing in same direction as the toes) and squat down, aiming for thighs to be parallel to the floor (pictured). Straighten legs to complete one rep. Repeat for one full minute.  

Tip: Bend from the knees—not the hips. Your back should remain upright and straight in this style of squat. Take feet as wide as you need to in order to achieve a wide-leg squat and full range of motion.

Sunday, 25 May 2014

The Bottom Line

If this bottom line is the goal? 

This is the guy who is going to get us there. 

Nothing like a 6'6" former NFL Defensive End to get you motivated... Patrick Kerney is in very good shape. He also spent years training with the best of the best. He knows how to help others make muscles. Patrick was kind enough to do a customized "booty" work out just for The Sent. Don't think I didn't plan this to coincide with the onset of bathing suit season. Do it. This summer the other people at the beach will be grateful.

  • Do exercises three times a week
  • Unless otherwise specified do 3 sets of 10
  • Rest for 45 seconds between sets
  • Add weighted dumbbells if exercises feel too easy
  • During one legged standing exercises keep your weight on your heel so that you load the weight/work on your glute and not your quad

Reverse Lunge
  • 3 sets of 10 each leg
  • Forward shin stays perpendicular to the ground
  • Back leg reaches as far back as possible as you bend the front leg
  • The back knee should be barely skimming the ground
  • Front thigh remains parallel to the ground, upper body stays perpendicular to the ground
  • If possible don't let your foot touch the ground when you return to standing position - it makes the exercise more challenging for the core
(I should have been smiling - I promise I was happy on the inside)

foot remains raised between lunges

Step Up
  • Use a stair or any stable box (we used a small speaker in the picture below)
  • Keep weight of boxed foot on heel
  • Drive up on boxed leg, lifting leg from ground, finishing when raised knee is parallel to ground
  • Push hips all the way through to really activate the glute muscles

The Flexed Butt and Perpendicular Knee

Fire Hydrant
  • Kneel on all four
  • Keep elbows locked
  • Keep knee bent at 90 degree angle
  • Lift bent knee as high as you can towards "4pm" 
  • Return knee to floor

Forward/Reverse Circles
  • Kneel on all four
  • Keep elbows locked
  • Keep knee bent at 90 degree angle
  • Bring leg forward towards chest, out to side, and back to starting position
  • Repeat reps by moving leg in continual circle
  • After three sets, redo in opposite direction
(Tracy Anderson makes her clients do this move) 
(Clients include Gwyneth and Madonna - enough said)

Jane Fonda
  • Kneel on all four
  • Keep elbows locked
  • Pull knee all the way in to chest
  • Kick heel back and up as high and as fast as possible
  • Knee that is on the ground should leave the ground slightly as you swing other leg up into the air
(Jane Fonda's body still looks awesome - now we know why)

Lateral Box Jump
  • Use same box used in Step Up 
  • Do 10 reps and be sure to keep your eyes on the box at all times
  • Drive off heal and use arms to generate height
  • Shift feet on top of the box - stepping up and over box - stepping down on to one leg 
  • One jump left and then one jump right count as 1 rep
(It's like that old school "hop over the box" in step class - just harder) 

  • Do 3/30 second holds
  • Place feet flat on the ground and keep hands by your side
  • Pull waist up as high as possible and hold pose at highest point
  • Weight should be on heels
  • To make this move tougher cross arms over chest
(Hello yoga move)

Single Leg Bridge
  • Repeat above exercise on one leg
  • Make sure to keep both thighs parallel throughout exercise
  • Weight stays on lower heel
(Hello harder yoga move)

weight on heel
Lateral Hamstring Reach
  • Kneel on all four 
  • Keep elbows locked
  • Straighten one leg behind you
  • Keep toe of straight leg pointed straight down and just off the ground throughout the exercise
  • Reach with this leg as far forward as you can without breaking elbows or pointing toe away from the ground 
(This one made me scream in pain)


Single Leg Squat
  • Keep upper body perpendicular to the ground
  • Rest top of back foot on physio ball, chair, or low step
  • Keep weight on heel of standing foot
  • Keep front shin perpendicular to the ground and bend knee until front thigh is parallel to the ground
  • Return to standing position by straightening front leg
(And yes - I fell many times during the filming of these exercises)